Most of the early years were spent clearing land, dealing with bushrangers, and trying to establish themselves on their newly found wild habitat.
The farm has been passed through the generations and has seen many changes through the cultivation of a diverse range of crops and livestock to meet the needs of an evolving young nation. An opportunity to grow on their knowledge in Horticulture presented itself over 15 years ago and sparked a passion for growing peonies.
Gateforth Farm,Tasmania is renowned for being one of Australia’s premier growers of peonies.
The farming community in Tasmania is tight and we strive to only bring you the absolute best that Tasmania has to offer which is why we are delighted that Phil and Fiona have opened the Gateforth Farm gate and are partnering with Farmgate Flowers Direct to bring you one of the most beautiful Peony harvests of the season. If you think you have experienced ‘next level’ Oriental Lilies, from us then you won’t be disappointed with these Peony Roses!